Carol Talbot
I have used car safety harnesses on my dogs for over a decade. I decided to follow the positive crash test safety results and purchase Sleepy Pod Sport ClickIts for my dogs. I did a short drive to try them out on my dogs and all seemed fine.
Then I took them on a long road trip that I do several times a year with my dogs from Virginia to North Carolina. I stopped halfway on a recent 6 hour drive and things seemed ok when I checked on the dogs. But when I completed the second 3 hours of the 6 hour drive and got out of the car, I was horrified. The black Lab who was behind me had twisted around. The belt was stretched taught under her neck, choking her, and she had the wide eyed look of fear. I couldn't get her unbuckled fast enough. I can't imagine what would have happened to her if I had stopped suddenly or worse, been in an accident. I am going back to my old Ruffrider Roadies that I have always used. At least they are also safe for my dogs during a calm drive, and my dogs can put their heads down to sleep and not be choked.
I called Sleepy Pod but they have not yet returned my call.
Ruff Rider
Carol Talbot