Ruff Rider Roadie on the Trail

Celebrate National Hiking Day with Ruff Rider

One of the joys of summer is getting out into the woods, hiking a new trail, or enjoying one that’s well worn.  And, when the whole family includes our dogs, it’s that much more fun! June 2nd is National Hiking Day and Ruff Rider wants to make sure everyone in the family is safe when hiking, traveling, and enjoying the outdoors. So, before you head out, and …

Ruff Rider Roadie Service Dog cape picture


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: THE LEADING CANINE VEHICLE SAFETY HARNESS COMPANY, RUFF RIDER TECHNOLOGY INC., ANNOUNCES ITS NEW ROADIE SERVICE DOG CAPE FALL 2015 (Boulder, Colorado – November 2015) – Beginning September 1, 2015 the leading canine travel harness retailer Ruff Rider Technology will release its Roadie Service Dog Cape. Carl Goldberg, the creator and owner of the very first canine travel harness; is the designer of …